Jawline Contouring

Treatment for jawline contouring

Softened jawline or jowls: As the bones, muscles and fat cells in our faces change over time, it causes a loss of definition along the jawline, forming the “jowls” we all love to hate. That softness – no matter how far it has progressed – can be treated without surgery. When dermal filler is strategically injected along the cheeks, jawline and edges of the face, it lifts, restores definition and reduces the appearance of jowls, giving you a fresher, slimmer, more youthful look.

Overdefined jaw: If you have a bulky, masculine jaw, it can be due to genetic factors – or because you clench your jaw and/or grind your teeth at night. Botulinum Toxin treatments can help relax the muscle and give your face a more appealing oval or heart-shaped contour.

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